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Kentucky medical marijuana certification
Kentucky medical marijuana certification
Fast. Simple. Secure.
Fast. Simple. Secure.
- 100% moneyback guarantee if you do not qualify for medical marijuana certification
- 100% moneyback guarantee if you do not qualify for medical marijuana certification
How It Works:
1. Schedule your virtual appointment
2. Same day appointments available by phone or zoom seven
3. Electronic physician certification letter is sent to you by email to store on your phone and/or to print and carry with you.
How It Works:
1. Schedule your virtual appointment
2. Same day appointments available by phone or zoom seven
3. Electronic physician certification letter is sent to you by email to store on your phone and/or to print and carry with you.
*Full refund if not approved by physician
*Full refund if not approved by physician
Still have questions?
Visit our FAQ & How to Qualify pages for more information!
Kentucky Medical marijuana certification faq
Kentucky Medical marijuana certification faq
How long does it take to get my Kentucky medical marijuana certification letter?
Most patients are approved by our doctor if they have the qualifying conditions on the same day as their appointment.
You should receive your certification letter within two business days by email.
Well, I receive a physical card in the mail?
No. The state of Kentucky is not issuing cards at this time. You will receive a physician certification letter which prevents you from being prosecuted for possession of marijuana.
Is there an extra fee for assistance with my state application?
No. Kentucky is not accepting applications at this time. Your one time fee paid to us covers your physician certification letter if you qualify.
Do you offer in person appointments?
Not at this time. Convenient appointments are only available by phone or zoom.
Can I use my Kentucky physician certification and other states?
No. Your physician certification letter only protects you in the state of Kentucky.
Still have questions?
Visit our FAQ & How to Qualify pages for more information!
Still have questions?
Visit our FAQ & How to Qualify pages for more information!